Wested Legal Reviews Campaign Finance in Washington, D.C.
Date: July 22, 2010
Time: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Event Description: the Wested Legal Center is sponsoring a live presentation that will discuss campaign financing after Citizens United. This seminar will discuss what the Citizens United decision will mean for lobbying in Washington and for the fall 2010 election season. The speakers will analyze the impact of the ruling that eliminated legal restrictions on independent political advertising by corporations and labor unions, and what it means on the ground as the election season is taking shape. A panel will review the details of the current status of the campaign finance and lobbying laws, both on the federal as well as the state levels, and will review pending legislation, and the latest developments in lobbying and ethics rules.
Both corporate and labor union issues and considerations as well as the new flexibility will be reviewed. Participants will be offered an analysis of how nonprofit and trade associations can also use this expansion of political speech rights in the upcoming elections. Other topics include lobbying and advocacy; public corruption cases and regulation of politics, pay to play, and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.
For information visit CLE Events on The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel website at www.metrocorpcounsel.com. To register for the program visit www.westedlegalcenter.com or call (800) 308-1700.
Speakers from Caplin & Drysdale: Trevor Potter, Member, Caplin & Drysdale
- Senior Counsel