Benjamin Eisenstat and Blair Hlinka Address What Recent Supreme Court Decisions Mean for Tax Controversy at ABA Fall Virtual Tax Meeting

09.24.2024 | 3:15 PM
Location: Virtual

Description: This panel of experts will review several recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions that may impact tax litigators for the foreseeable future.  Panelists will review Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, as well as several other Supreme Court cases, that have potentially far-reaching implications for civil and criminal tax litigation attorneys.   

Learning objectives:

  1. Attendees will receive a detailed overview of recent cases and a summary of how these cases may impact their specific tax practice. 
  2. Attendees can expect to receive an outline of specific issues that should be considered in civil or criminal tax matters that may be impacted by recent cases, such as (a) Loper Bright, (b) Diaz v. U.S., (c) Moore v. U.S, and (d) Fischer v. U.S. 


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