Bringing Voter Registration into the 21st Century
Monday, September 19, 2011
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
As the gateway to voter participation, voter registration systems both allow participation from eligible voters and safeguard against ineligible voters, protecting the integrity of elections. Despite its fundamental role, however, the current U.S. voter registration system is costly, inefficient and frequently inaccurate. Significant voter registration problems in recent elections have reinforced the system's shortcomings.
This meeting will feature two dynamic panel discussions with respected leaders on the need to bring the U.S. voter registration system into the 21st century to better serve all Americans. The first panel will explain the problems posed by the current voter registration system, while the second will delve into potential solutions.
• Shortly after the event, a video will be available on the AEI website.
Participant from Caplin & Drysdale:
Trevor Potter, Member
- Senior Counsel