ABC News: Trevor Potter Weighs in on Sessions' Call to Evaluate Clinton Allegations

ABC News

[] [I]n a letter on Monday to Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee, Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd wrote that Justice Department prosecutors would “evaluate certain issues” relating to Hillary Clinton and make recommendations to Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein “as to whether any matters not currently under investigation should be opened, whether any matters currently under investigation require further resources, or whether matters merit the appointment of a special counsel.”

Some legal experts told ABC News that this letter raises ethical concerns.

“Certainly Sessions’ involvement with the Trump presidential campaign, which already branded Secretary Clinton a criminal, would raise a question of his impartiality in these circumstances,” said Trevor Potter, president of the Campaign Legal Center and a former Republican chair of the Federal Election Commission. “Other, less political, officials at the Department of Justice should be making decisions about any Clinton investigations,” Potter said.

Mr. Potter also leads the Political Law Group at Caplin & Drysdale, Chartered in Washington, D.C

For the full article, please visit ABC News’ website.

Excerpt taken from the article “Legal Experts Weigh in on Sessions' Call to Evaluate Clinton Allegations” by Lauren Pearle for ABC News.


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