"Caplin Cares" Supports The Salvation Army's Angel Tree Program


Supporting The Salvation Army's Angel Tree Program has become a special tradition during the holiday season at Caplin & Drysdale's Washington, D.C., office.  The firm was delighted  to sponsor 30 Angels, local children whose families face financial hardships and therefore unable to provide new clothes and toys for their children during the holidays.  Zina Brown (shown here in the center) has been coordinating The Salvation Angel Tree Program for seven years and has connected both attorneys and support staff with deserving Angels.  Shown below is Caplin & Drysdale's storage room which was overflowing with unwrapped presents for parents to take home and wrap and then present to their Angels on Christmas morning.

This program is part of "Caplin Cares for a Cause", an ongoing charitable initiative to give back to our local communities in the D.C. and New York metro areas.  To learn more about The Salvation Army's Angel Tree Program, please visit their website at www.salvationarmynca.org.

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