Matthew Sanderson Speaks to USA Today on Increased Scrutiny Giuliani's Role Has on Impeachment

USA Today

Rudy Giuliani, by his own admission, reached out to Ukraine to unearth damaging information about President Donald Trump's potential presidential rival – mixing roles of personal attorney and unofficial diplomat.

Depending on the time of day and who he's talking to, Giuliani is an attorney advising Trump on legal matters. An unofficial envoy corresponding with foreign leaders. A cable news attack dog. A freelance investigator.

Now Giuliani finds himself in a difficult position. Two associates, who tried to help him get Ukrainian officials to investigate one of Trump's political rivals, have been arrested on campaign finance charges. Prosecutors are examining Giuliani's business dealings in that country. And Democrats have accused him of violating lobbying laws by acting as an unregistered agent for a foreign government. 

Giuliani has said he's an attorney for Trump as well as the two men now in federal custody. But experts say he can't rely on attorney-client privilege to completely shield himself from answering questions from Congress or prosecutors. 

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Either he acknowledges advancing Ukrainian interests in his effort to discredit Yovanovitch, or he says he was working at Trump's behest, which furthers the impeachment inquiry, said Matthew Sanderson, a Washington, D.C., lawyer who advises clients on FARA. 

To read the full article, please visit USA Today.


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