Trevor Potter Comments on Potential Investigation Into Trump Campaign Payments
Trump attorney Rudolph W. Giuliani escalated his media blitz Thursday against the president’s twin legal perils, calling on Attorney General Jeff Sessions to shut down the special counsel’s Russia investigation and justifying hush money to porn star Stormy Daniels as an attempt to protect Mr. Trump’s family instead of his campaign.
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Campaign Legal Center President Trevor Potter said the Federal Election Commission should open an investigation into the payments. He said the latest explanations could spell more trouble for Mr. Cohen.
“Given the new accounts by Trump and Giuliani, it now appears Cohen violated campaign finance law when he fronted the $130,000 payment with funds financed by his home mortgage because that constitutes a campaign contribution by him well in excess of the $2,700 limit,” Mr. Potter said. “The Trump campaign (through its agent, the candidate) violated the law by accepting an excessive contribution and failing to report it. If this is the case, then the campaign further violated the law by failing to report Trump’s subsequent repayments to Cohen.”
Mr. Potter also leads the Political Law Group at Caplin & Drysdale.
For the full article, please visit The Washington Times’ website.
Excerpt taken from the article “Rudy Giuliani’s Media Blitz Provides Ammunition for Trump Foes” by David Boyer for The Washington Times.
- Senior Counsel