FEC Updates Contribution Limits for 2025-2026
The Federal Election Commission has updated federal contribution limits for the 2025-2026 election cycle. Limits that apply to contributions from individuals to federal candidates (now $3,500/election) and national party committees (now $44,300/year to a main account and $132,900/year to other accounts) are indexed for inflation. They are updated at the beginning of each odd-numbered year. Caplin & Drysdale has composed the chart below and attached that explains these new limits. Download this chart by clicking here.
Caplin & Drysdale’s Political Law Group counsels for-profit corporations, nonprofit entities, and their principals on these and other matters relating to political law compliance. We work collaboratively with in-house personnel to craft tailored political activity policies and programs. If you have questions concerning this Alert or for more information, please contact a member of the Political Law Group.
[1] A “super PAC” may make only independent expenditures with respect to federal elections and may not make contributions to federal candidates, parties, and traditional PACs.
[2] These are combined limits, shared with federal accounts of all other state and local committees of same party in same state.
[3] National Party Committees may contribute up to $62.000 to each U.S. Senate candidate. The $5,000-per-election limit cited above applies to National Party Committees’ contributions to other federal candidates.