Tax Notes, 09.26.2011
Congressional Quarterly, 09.17.2011
Reuters, 09.10.2011
The Wall Street Journal, Fox News, 09.07.2011
Bloomberg, 09.07.2011
swissinfo, 09.05.2011
NPR's "All Things Considered", 09.03.2011
Awards & Rankings, U.S. News & World Report, 09.01.2011
The Hill, 08.28.2011
CNBC, Wall Street Journal, 08.19.2011
Politico, 08.18.2011
The Washington Post, 08.17.2011
Bloomberg, 08.15.2011
Tax Notes, 08.15.2011
Washington Post, Bloomberg, Roll Call, BNA, Politico, Huffington Post & National Law Journal, 08.14.2011
Variety, 08.12.2011
ESPN, 08.12.2011
Bloomberg, 08.11.2011
Washington Post, 08.08.2011
Tax Notes, 08.08.2011
Bloomberg, Pittsburgh Tribune - Review, 08.07.2011
Money Talks, 08.03.2011
Tax Notes, 08.01.2011, 07.27.2011
The Daily Caller, 07.22.2011
San Francisco Chronicle, 07.21.2011
Reuters, 07.15.2011
National Journal, 07.14.2011
Reuters, 07.12.2011
POLITICO, 07.05.2011
Washingtonian, 07.01.2011
The Wall Street Journal, Seattle Post Intelligencer, E! Online, USA TODAY, Associated Press, National Journal, The Atlantic, 06.30.2011
Colbert Nation, 06.29.2011
Associated Press, 06.27.2011
Bloomberg Businessweek, Roll Call, TPMMuckraker, Business Insider, 06.25.2011
Tax Analysts, 06.22.2011
Press Release, 06.16.2011
Both, Chambers USA / The Legal 500, 06.16.2011
World Radio Switzerland, 06.14.2011
Bloomberg, 06.10.2011
Tax Analysts-Tax Notes Today, 06.03.2011
Bloomberg, 06.03.2011
Colbert Nation, 05.31.2011
New York Law Journal, 05.26.2011
The New York Times, 05.26.2011
The Huffington Post, 05.23.2011
Bloomberg View, 05.23.2011
ABC News, 05.21.2011
National Audubon Society, 05.17.2011
The Huffington Post, 05.13.2011