- Tax Notes, 04.28.2016
- Awards & Rankings, Super Lawyers, 04.26.2016
- Bloomberg BNA, 04.22.2016
- Worldwide Tax Daily, 04.21.2016
- 04.20.2016
- U.S. News & World Report, 04.19.2016
- Tax Notes Today, 04.19.2016
- Irish Examiner, 04.12.2016
- Bloomberg BNA, 04.12.2016
- Tax Notes Today, 04.11.2016
- Tax Notes Today, 04.11.2016
- European Union News, 04.11.2016
- BillMoyers.com, 04.06.2016
- Tax Notes, 04.05.2016
- Awards & Rankings, Expert Guides, 04.05.2016
- NBC News, 04.05.2016
- Army Wife Talk Radio, 04.05.2016
- Politico, 04.05.2016
- Channel One Russian TV, 04.05.2016
- Bloomberg BNA, 04.04.2016
- Bloomberg BNA, 04.01.2016
- Tampa Tribune, 03.28.2016
- Time Magazine, 03.21.2016
- Awards & Rankings, The Washingtonian Magazine, 03.21.2016
- Financial Times, 03.17.2016
- CNN, 03.17.2016
- Daily Tax Report, 03.16.2016
- Bloomberg BNA, 03.16.2016
- Awards & Rankings, The University of Utah Alumni Association E-Newsletter, 03.14.2016
- Wall Street Journal, 03.09.2016
- Tax notes, 03.07.2016
- Press Release, Caplin & Drysdale, 03.07.2016
- New York Times, 03.07.2016
- Daily Tax Report, 03.03.2016
- Daily Tax Report, 03.01.2016
- Worldwide Tax Daily, 02.29.2016
- Law360, 02.26.2016
- Worldwide Tax Daily, 02.18.2016
- Bloomberg Business, 02.18.2016
- Casa Grande Dispatch, 02.18.2016
- Financial Planning Journal, 02.16.2016
- The Washington Post, 02.09.2016
- Global Investigation Review, 02.05.2016
- Tax Notes Today, 02.03.2016
- Bloomberg BNA, 02.03.2016
- Press Release, Caplin & Drysdale, 02.01.2016
- U.S. News & World Report, 01.29.2016
- Bloomberg Businessweek, 01.27.2016
- The Washington Post, 01.20.2016
- Bloomberg View, 01.15.2016