Law360 Tax Authority, 07.01.2022
Bloomberg Tax, 06.22.2022
Law360 Tax Authority, 06.10.2022
Awards & Rankings, 06.10.2022
Tax Notes, 06.08.2022
Awards & Rankings, 06.03.2022
POLITICO, 05.17.2022
Bloomberg Tax, 05.10.2022
Awards & Rankings, 05.02.2022
POLITICO Influence, 04.29.2022
PLANADVISOR, 04.25.2022
Law360 Tax Authority, 04.18.2022
The Hill, 04.10.2022
Bloomberg Tax, 04.08.2022
Caplin & Drysdale, 03.31.2022
The Hill, 03.15.2022
Tax Notes, 02.18.2022
Reuters, 02.16.2022
National Law Journal, 02.09.2022
Law360, 02.08.2022
New York Times, 02.05.2022
POLITICO, 01.20.2022
POLITICO Influence, 01.14.2022
Tax Notes, 01.05.2022
Tax Notes, 01.03.2022
Law360, 01.03.2022
New York Times, 12.28.2021
Tax Notes, 12.27.2021
POLITICO Influence, 12.22.2021
USA TODAY, 12.07.2021
Bloomberg Law, 12.03.2021
Bloomberg Law, 12.02.2021
Caplin & Drysdale, 12.01.2021
Law360 Tax Authority, 12.01.2021
ABA Journal, 11.24.2021
Tax Notes, 11.17.2021
Law360 Pulse, 11.15.2021
Captive Insurance Times, 11.12.2021
Caplin & Drysdale, 11.11.2021
Bloomberg Tax, 11.10.2021
Law360 Tax Authority, 11.09.2021
Tax Notes, 11.08.2021
Awards & Rankings, U.S. News & World Report, 11.04.2021