Awards & Rankings, U.S. News & World Report, 08.15.2016
Bloomberg, 08.12.2016
Federal Tax Weekly, 08.11.2016
The Hill, 08.11.2016
The New Yorker, 08.10.2016
Tax Analysts, 08.01.2016
Awards & Rankings, Above the Law, 07.29.2016
The American Lawyer, 07.29.2016
Tax Notes, 07.25.2016
Daily Tax Report, 07.25.2016
The Washington Post, 07.15.2016
Bloomberg BNA, 07.14.2016
Law360, 07.12.2016
Bloomberg BNA, 07.09.2016
Bloomberg BNA, 07.05.2016
Press Release, Caplin & Drysdale, 06.29.2016
Awards & Rankings, Chambers High Net Worth Guide, 06.24.2016
Bloomberg BNA, 06.24.2016
Awards & Rankings, Above the Law, 06.23.2016
Bloomberg BNA, 06.23.2016
Tax Notes, 06.23.2016
The Washington Post, 06.23.2016
Bloomberg BNA, 06.23.2016
Tax Notes, 06.22.2016
NPR, 06.22.2016
Awards & Rankings, Business Edition of Best Lawyers, 06.21.2016
My San Antonio, 06.21.2016
Awards & Rankings, The Legal 500, 06.16.2016
Bloomberg BNA, 06.15.2016
Federal Tax Weekly, 06.09.2016
Tax Notes Today, 06.08.2016
Law360, 06.06.2016
Tax Notes, 06.02.2016
Awards & Rankings, Chambers USA, 06.01.2016
Tax Notes, 06.01.2016
Awards & Rankings, Euromoney Legal Media Group, 05.20.2016
Awards & Rankings, 05.20.2016
The Deal Pipeline, 05.13.2016
The American Prospect, 05.12.2016
Law360, 05.11.2016
Tax Notes, 05.10.2016
Tax Notes, 05.10.2016
Tax Notes, 05.10.2016
Daily Tax Report, 05.09.2016
Tax Notes Today, 05.02.2016
Tax Notes, 04.29.2016