International Tax Alert, 03.26.2010
International Tax Alert, 03.15.2010
The New Battle In An Old War: Omissions From Gross Income
Article, 126 Tax Notes 1227, 03.08.2010
Article, 03.05.2010
National Westminster Bank: Will the IRS Ever Give Up
Article, Corporate Taxation, 03.01.2010
Employee Benefits Alert, 02.18.2010
Political Law Alert, 02.12.2010
Political Law Alert, 01.25.2010
Federal Estate and GST Tax Repeal
Article, Advisory, 01.19.2010
Article, Washington Jewish Week, 01.07.2010
Article, The Hill, 01.06.2010
The Curious Case of The Partial Loophole Closer
Article, Corporate Taxation, 01.01.2010
Elections: Administrative Law Developments
Article, American Bar Association, 01.01.2010
Corporate Criminal Defense: Compliance, Investigation and Trial Strategies," Unique Procedures and Considerations in Tax Cases
Article, Client Alert, 01.01.2010
Article, Free State Accountant, 01.01.2010
Article, Journal of Tax Practice and Procedure, 12.01.2009
Article, Estate Planning Magazine, 12.01.2009
Article, Corporate Taxation, 11.01.2009
Article, Taxation of Exempts, 11.01.2009
Political Law Alert, 10.08.2009
Political Law Alert, 10.01.2009
Article, Mondaq Business Briefing, 10.01.2009
Article, Mondaq Business Briefing, 09.28.2009
Exempt Organizations Alert, 09.16.2009
Article, Roll Call, 09.14.2009
Article, The American Spectator, 09.11.2009
Summary of Recent Developments for 2009
Article, American Bar Association Section of Taxation, Court Procedure & Practice Committee, 09.01.2009
Article, Diritto e Pratica Tributaria Internazionale, 08.01.2009
Political Law Alert, 07.22.2009
Article, Tax Foundation, 07.16.2009
Article, Estate Planning Magazine, 07.01.2009
Article, Washington Post, 06.25.2009
Political Law Alert, 06.22.2009
Article, Tax Notes International, 06.22.2009
Article, Political Activity Law Bulletin, 06.11.2009
Article, Political Activity Law Bulletin, 06.11.2009
Article, Political Activity Law Bulletin, 06.11.2009
Article, Political Activity Law Bulletin, 06.11.2009
Article, Political Activity Law Bulletin, 06.11.2009
Article, Election Law Blog, 06.04.2009
Article, Tax Foundation Fiscal Facts, No. 173, 06.03.2009
Article, Senior Lawyer News, 06.01.2009
Article, Tax Analysts, Special Report, 06.01.2009
Comments to the Proposed Amendments to the Rules of the United States Tax Court
Article, American Bar Association, 05.27.2009
Comments to the Proposed Amendments to the Rules of the United States Tax Court
Article, American Bar Association, 05.27.2009
Article, Revista - Instituto Colombiano de Derecho Tributario, 05.10.2009
Selected Recent Developments in Administrative Practice
Article, American Bar Association (May Meeting, Administrative Practice Committee), 05.08.2009
Article, Roll Call, 05.05.2009
Article, CircleID, 05.01.2009
Article, The Tax Executive, 05.01.2009