Article, WebCPA, 04.20.2009
Article, Tax Notes International, 04.20.2009
Article, The Washington Post, 04.11.2009
Article, Virginia Journal of Law and Politics, 04.09.2009
Article, Political Activity Law Alert: Important Recent Developments, 04.06.2009
Article, Tax Foundation Fiscal Facts, No. 167, 04.06.2009
Article, Journal of Tax Practice & Procedure, 04.01.2009
Political Law Alert, 03.26.2009
Article, Tax Foundation Fiscal Facts, No. 164, 03.25.2009
Political Law Alert, 03.12.2009
Article, 03.12.2009
Exempt Organizations Alert, 02.27.2009
Political Law Alert, 02.18.2009
Employee Benefits Alert, 02.10.2009
Employee Benefits Alert, 02.10.2009
Employee Benefits Alert, 02.10.2009
Employee Benefits Alert, 02.10.2009
Article, 11 Int'l J. Not-for-Profit Law, 02.01.2009
Article, Political Activity Law Bulletin, 01.16.2009
Article, Political Activity Law Bulletin, 01.16.2009
Article, Political Activity Law Bulletin, 01.16.2009
Article, Election Law Journal, 01.01.2009
Lobbyist Bundling of Campaign Contributions
Article, ABA Lobbying Manuel, 01.01.2009
Article, 12.22.2008
Wealth Transfer Strategies for Turbulent Times
Article, Advisory, 12.09.2008
Article, Tax Analysts, 12.08.2008
Article, Estate Planning Magazine, 12.01.2008
Article, Tax Analysts, 11.18.2008
Article, 11.07.2008
Article, ABA International Election Law Principles, 10.01.2008
A Model to Celebrate
Article, OECD Observer, 10.01.2008
Article, Tax Analysts, 10.01.2008
Article, Mondaq, 09.25.2008
In Praise of the OECD Model Tax Treaty
Article, Worldwide Tax Daily, 09.23.2008
Article, Taxation of Exempts, 09.17.2008
Article, Tax Notes International, 09.15.2008
Summary of Recent Developments for 2008
Article, American Bar Association Section of Taxation, Court Procedure & Practice Committee, 09.01.2008
Article, Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, 09.01.2008
Article, Tax Notes International, 08.20.2008
The Malpractice Environment for Tax Lawyers in the United States
Article, Practice Exposures for the International Tax Professional in the 21st Century, 37 Tax Management International Journal 431, 08.08.2008
Article, 07.24.2008
Article, Maryland Society of Accountants: The Free State Accountant, 06.01.2008
Article, Estate Planning, 06.01.2008
Coming Full Circle? Secondary Adjustments and Repatriation in Transfer Pricing Cases
Article, Tax Management Transfer Pricing Report, Bloomberg BNA, 05.01.2008
Article, International Tax Review, 05.01.2008
Article, International Tax Planning, 03.01.2008
Article, Law Journal Newsletters, 02.01.2008
Political Activity, Lobbying Laws and Gift Rules Guide
Book, West Publishing (Third Edition, Second Edition 1999), 01.01.2008
Federal Tax Laws Affecting Political Activity and Lobbying by Tax-Exempt Charitable Organizations
Article, Political Activity, Lobbying Laws and Gift Rules Guide, 01.01.2008
Article, The Politico, 12.05.2007