Re:Cap, 10.01.2001
Article, The Exempt Organization Tax Review, 10.01.2001
Article, The Exempt Organization Tax Review, 09.01.2001
Article, Senior Lawyer News, 09.01.2001
Re:Cap, 09.01.2001
Article, Brooklyn Journal of International Law, 09.01.2001
Article, Corporate Business Taxation Monthly, 09.01.2001
Article, Corporate Business Taxation Monthly, 08.01.2001
Re:Cap, 08.01.2001
Article, The Exempt Organization Tax Review, 08.01.2001
Article, Caplin & Drysdale, 07.11.2001
Article, Caplin & Drysdale, 07.01.2001
Re:Cap, 07.01.2001
Article, Corporate Business Taxation Monthly, 07.01.2001
Article, Corporate Business Taxation Monthly, 06.01.2001
Re:Cap, 06.01.2001
Article, Tax Notes, 05.28.2001
Re:Cap, 05.01.2001
Article, Journal of Taxation of Exempt Organizations, 05.01.2001
Article, Corporate Business Taxation Monthly, 05.01.2001
The IRS Reorganization: Programs and Initiatives of the New Large Case Division
Article, Administrative Law Review, Vol. 53, No. 2, 05.01.2001
Re:Cap, 04.01.2001
Article, Corporate Business Taxation Monthly, 04.01.2001
Article, Tax Notes, 03.05.2001
Article, The Exempt Organization Tax Review, 03.01.2001
Article, Corporate Business Taxation Monthly, 03.01.2001
Article, The Wall Street Journal, 02.07.2001
Article, Corporate Business Taxation Monthly, 02.01.2001
Article, Corporate Business Taxation Monthly, 01.01.2001
Article, Corporate Business Taxation Monthly, 12.01.2000
Article, The Exempt Organization Tax Review, 12.01.2000
Article, The Exempt Organization Tax Review, 12.01.2000
Article, Exempt Organization Tax Review, 11.01.2000
Article, Corporate Business Taxation Monthly, 11.01.2000
Article, Journal of Taxation of Exempt Organizations, 11.01.2000
Article, 89 Tax Notes 419, 10.16.2000
Article, 89 Tax Notes 301, 10.09.2000
Article, Corporate Business Taxation Monthly, 10.01.2000
Article, Report of Proceedings of the First World Tax Conference: Taxes Without Borders, 10.01.2000
Article, Corporate Business Taxation Monthly, 09.01.2000
Issue Advocacy: If It Cannot Be Regulated When It Is Least Valuable, It Cannot Be Regulated When It Is Most Valuable
Article, Catholic University Law Review, 09.01.2000
Article, Tax Management Memorandum, 08.28.2000
Article, Corporate Business Taxation Monthly, 08.01.2000
Article, Corporate Business Taxation Monthly, 07.01.2000
Transfer Pricing: A Special Report
Article, International Tax Review Supp. 31, 07.01.2000
Article, 21-2 Municipal Finance Journal 55, 06.01.2000
Article, Corporate Business Taxation Monthly, 06.01.2000
Article, Virginia Conference on Federal Taxation, 06.01.2000
The UPS, Limited and Compaq Cases: Is the Tide Turning?
Article, 26 International Tax J. No. 3, 1, 06.01.2000
Article, Journal of Taxation of Exempt Organizations, 05.01.2000