Gazing Into the Crystal Ball: A Prediction of Post-Election Action
Article, Estate Planning Magazine, 12.01.2007
Article, ABA Section of Taxation NewsQuarterly, 12.01.2007
Article, 11.01.2007
Article, POLITICO, 10.16.2007
Article, 09.30.2007
Treasury, IRS Continues Attack on Abusive Tax Transactions: Final Regulations for Reportable Transactions Issued
Article, Derivatives Financial Products Report, 09.01.2007
Article, Tax Notes International, 06.04.2007
Legislative Paralysis
Article, 06.01.2007
Article, ALI-ABA Estate Planning Course Materials Journal, 06.01.2007
Meeting Newsletter
Article, American Bar Association Section of Taxation, Court Procedure & Practice Committee (2006-2007), 05.01.2007
Article, Caplin & Drysdale, 05.01.2007
Article, 43 CAL. W. L. REV. 451, 2007, 05.01.2007
ABA's Comments Concerning the Tax Court's Proposed Amendments Regarding Privacy and Public Access to Electronic Case Files
Article, American Bar Association, 04.13.2007
Article, Tax Notes, 03.05.2007
Article, Caplin & Drysdale, 02.01.2007
Article, Caplin & Drysdale, 02.01.2007
Article, Taxation of Exempts, 01.01.2007
Article, The Tax Executive, 10.01.2006
Article, Caplin & Drysdale, 10.01.2006
Article, Caplin & Drysdale, 10.01.2006
Article, Health Lawyers Weekly, 09.08.2006
Article, Andrews Litigation Reporter: White Collar Crime, 09.01.2006
Proposed Cost-Sharing Regulations Issued
Article, Practical US/Domestic Tax Strategies, 05.01.2006
Article, Caplin & Drysdale, 05.01.2006
Article, Journal Of Tax Practice and Procedure, 05.01.2006
Article, The Tax Executive, 02.01.2006
Article, Caplin & Drysdale, 01.15.2006
Article, Caplin & Drysdale, 01.15.2006
Article, Tax Management International Journal, 12.09.2005
Article, Tax Notes, 10.03.2005
Article, Re:Cap, 08.31.2005
Revisiting the Hospital Admissions Agreement in Light of the State Charity-Care Litigation
Article, Health Lawyers Weekly, 08.26.2005
Article, International Law Office, 08.26.2005
Article, Taxes - The Tax Magazine, 07.05.2005
Article, Caplin & Drysdale, 06.15.2005
Re:Cap, 05.15.2005
Re:Cap, 04.01.2005
The Law of Unintended Consequences: International Implications of Section 409A
Article, The Tax Executive, 04.01.2005
Re:Cap, 03.01.2005
Article, Caplin & Drysdale, 02.01.2005
Article, 47 Exempt Organizations Tax Review 181, 02.01.2005
Re:Cap, 02.01.2005
The New Campaign Finance Sourcebook
Article, Brookings Institution, 01.01.2005
The Delegation of Investment Authority by Nonprofit Corporate Boards Under UMIFA
Article, Taxation of Exempts, 01.01.2005
Article, Corporate Business Taxation Monthly, 01.01.2005
Re:Cap, 01.01.2005
Speech Governed by Federal Election Laws and Election Law and the Internet
Article, The New Campaign Finance Sourcebook, The Brookings Institution, 01.01.2005
Article, The Exempt Organization Tax Review, 01.01.2005
Article, White Collar Crime Reporter (v. 19, Issue 3), 12.01.2004
Re:Cap, 12.01.2004